July 31, 2010


Love the editorials from the Vogue Nippon September issue.

Beige is still the new black. So I'm delighted to be using my camel coat from W this season as well ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

July 26, 2010


Yesterday I got treated delicious Thai food and got this cute pouch from Casey. She was recently in London for a small weekend trip and came back with this sweet gift.

Other than that, my usual cup of black coffee and something sweet (like the apple cinnamon muffin)

24h in Eskilstuna

Me and baby went to a party (I would call it a Asian party since...yeah...the name explains it, hahaha)

Since I arrived with the late train, Casey and I arrived late to the party, which resulted in a penalty shot, "flaming lamborghini".

The taste?

"Ew" is the only thing I can describe it with. Hahaha...

Thank you for a great 24h in Eskilstuna baby!

July 25, 2010


Another bargain from H&M.

I still adore the statement necklaces.


By the way, my 24hours in Eskilstuna begins soon. The train is leaving in about a hour, so I have to hurry and get ready. Party is awaiting о(ж>▽<)y ☆

Have a nice weekend!


July 24, 2010

Kurkova in Vogue UK August 2010

Love, love, love.

By the way, I think that I want a pair of pumps like those. Pointy, in black or nude.

Camel colored coat.

Wine colored lips.

Red nails.

I'm in love.

"I don't do flats"

Whyred - Cardia

Today at work I discovered that a lot of my co-workers are afraid of wearing high heels. A woman around 40:ish talked about the new H&M Fall catalogue and said that she saw a pair of really nice looking boots. But upon discovering that the heels were 9cm, she clearly told everyone that would be impossible for her.

Then she made a face.

The only thing that popped inside my head was: why?

At work I'm wearing a pair of pumps with 5cm heels, and I already have another co-worker (around 30:ish) that has commented: "how can you walk in those?"

And I'm like, well, these are actually my day wear heels. I don't do flats. *laughs*

I'm beginning to wonder why so many modern women out there fear wearing heels. I mean, I totally understand if it's a back problem or other kind of relating injuries. But fearing to wear heels only because of not knowing how to walk is a small reason. Women was not born to wear heels, which means, it's simply something we have to practice a bit with until we grasp it and can walk confidently. But could it also be a generation gap? is the new generation all about Louboutin and Jimmy Choo? And the pre-generation Bally and Pertti Palmroth?

I remember getting my first heeled shoes around when I was 13. I remember that I was so excited. I felt cool, I felt like a new person. I felt confident. But today I cannot call those heels, they were simply a platform of 3cm...or less *laughs* Today I feel most sexy and confident in a pair of 10cm, nothing less.

Today when I put a pair of nice heels on my feet, I feel all excited! Isn't wonderful?
I just can't understand why so women fear the heels.

a. If you are unsure about your walk: why not practice at home?

b. If your feat starts to hurt: begin with a low heel and gradually add inches. I do not recommend going for the 14cm at the beginning. And try heels with a platform, they are much more comfortable than they look.

c. Why wait? Try today!

I totally forgot to show you guys the boots I got from W for my 25th birthday. This year we both bought shoes to each other. It's from a Swedish brand called Whyred.

These boots are called Cardia and the great thing about them is the hidden platform heels and the zipper, which means that I can use these as boots or ankle boots. Genious!

These will certainly be used during autumn with a chic cape! I'm ready!

July 22, 2010

MARC JACOBS Fall 2010 ad campaign

Love the retro feeling!
Call me "old-fashioned", but I think that these two outfits are adorable!



I got some more pics from the b-day party a couple of days ago.

Brother and cousin Caroline.

Who's hairy arm to the right?! *laughs*

Racing against the baby...no just kidding. Alex had such a cute little bike that my brother jumped onto it as well.

Inside Meze restaurant.

And again, thank you for a great evening!

July 21, 2010


Some days ago I bargained these beauties during H&M's online shop sale.
I know that I do not change earpieces so often, but these were too beautiful to pass by.

I own a lot of huge earpieces, but why am I so bad at using them?

I think that it's time for a change when these "little" things arrive (*^▽^*)

Ooops...I did it again!

Just before going to work, I decided to check H&M's online shop to see if they have re-stocked the amazingly cute lace shorts I spotted a couple of weeks ago. And guess what?!

They had of course! Although XS was still sold out I decided to go with a S, maybe I can make it work somehow...

And in their sale section I found this embellished swimsuit I've been eyeing as well (for more than a month)

So talk about summer bargaining this year ( ̄▽+ ̄*)
As usual, H&M is ruining me *laughs*

I can barely wait until they arrive next week!

July 19, 2010


『petite chu』

Yesterday I went to have dinner with two lovely friends. We went to Manesa and had delicious tapas *yummieyummie*

We sat outdoors and suddenly the sky turned grey and it was like raining cats and dogs. But luckily we sat under a huge parasol. It must have been my first time dining outside during such a heavy rainfall.

We also shared a bottle of red, doppio passo.

Thank you for an awesome evening!

July 16, 2010



Love the new cover of Marie Claire August issue! Dakota Fanning looks stunningly cute! The color choice, large flower rings and ribbon! I can't believe that she is only 16 years old!


July 13, 2010


A pic my friend S took during the champagne and strawberry feast before dinner

Thank you for all the birthday messages my sweet friends!

Yesterday I was celebrated with cake and delicious dinner at home.
I even got to leave work earlier, so thank you to all the people at the office as well!

July 12, 2010



Yesterday I recieved this beautiful sweets bowl from my cousin Lisa. It's filled with Pez and something else...

A Twilight gift card for the cinema! *laughs*

Have you seen the third movie yet? if not, do so quickly! It's so good!


Here is a selection of what I had for dinner yesterday at Meze. If you have never tried Libanese cuisine before, I can really recommend it!

From top left: Pie with minced meat filling, grilled halloumi, tabbouleh salad (made mainly of parsley, my favorite!), fattoush (another salad with fried bread), marinated fresh artichoke and labne (garlic yoghurt cream)

For the main dish I had mixed and grilled veggies *yumyum*


We began the amazing hot day (the weather was like 30 celcius yesterday!) with delicious Swedish strawberries and popped two bottles of champagne晴れ


Second bottle coming up! *laughs*
My cousin Carro and Emil in the background.

Thank you for all the lovely gifts! You all know me so well, pampering me with wine and chocolate and lot's of other goodie stuff in life.


Here at Libanese restaurant Meze, we had delicious food (pics of it later)!

A huge thank you to my brother for treating me dinner!

The night ended up at Manesa, I had a passionfruits daiquiri, luv it!

Robel went wild, in his arms: Chrille. Special thanks to Robel for coming all the way to celebrate me *thankyouthankyouthankyou*

If you are wondering why Chrille is only wearing one sandal, it's because he dropped the other one while being carried *laughs*

July 11, 2010


Hi there.

Today I am premiering my old/new onepiece from ASOS. It's beige chiffon with lot's of butterflies.
Dinner reservation at Meze is done, all the other preparations are also finished.

I'm on time!

Ok, less than 1hour until the champagne and strawberry feast begins, see you all soon!