December 27, 2010

here and there

in Ebisu

in Roppongi Midtown

in Kamakura

up in Tokyo Tower

with Buddha in Kamakura

Year 2010 is coming to its end. How fast this past year has been! Last year I celebrated New Year in Hokkaido, that trip still feels like yesterday for me. But even after that I've been to Japan several time, three times this year? I think I've already lost count *laughs*

Thinking back to year 2005, to be more precise the summer of 2005, when I first embarked to Japan, how much a person can change over 5years! If you asked me then what I would be doing or what I wanted to do then, my answer would not be same. 

Japan has taught me so much about life and I have found so much happiness there. I tasted my first green tea ice-cream there, learned how to eat umeboshi, met lot's of lovely people, learned how to snowboard, discovered the way of a healthy life, experienced a very rich and fantastic culture, went to my first temple visit, had the ability to wear a traditional kimono, saw fireworks by the river...the list is never-ending. But most surprising of all, I met love. 

So what is going to happen next year? Do I dare to guess or say? 

But I'm sure of one thing, it'll be as lovely as these past five years. 

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