March 31, 2011

found it!

You know the cape I wrote about some days ago?
I went for the hunt, I even e-mailed their customer service asking for a re-stock.
And what do I see today in their online shop?

It's back!
So now (or soon), I'm owner of this lovely creation. 


March 29, 2011

camel skirt

My beige-fever has not cooled down yet, so yesterday I clicked this home from Topshop (too much shopping lately for my own good, but there are things that I must celebrate...hihihi...). 
I can imagine myself wearing it together with an all-buttoned up white strict shirt with a pair of nice heels, and of course my sunset orange Banane Taipei bag (I'm still waiting for its arrival...which is soon!!)

March 26, 2011

third pair of shoes from Whyred

I can sit all day just staring at these beauties. 

Say hello to my third pair of shoes signed Whyred. 

Model: Pallenberg
Colour: Patent black leather

So shiny and beautiful.

cape for spring

I saw this TV-commercial of the this lovely cape from Gina Tricot. 
Can't seem to find it in their online shop, I must go out tomorrow to hunt for it...

This would be perfect as a lighter jacket for spring.

March 21, 2011


ZARA, Plaited Shopper 30 x43 x23 cm

You all know that I love large handbags and totes. 
This minimalistic shopper in 100% leather is from Zara (also available in red)

Me like.

The light colored version in Zara's March lookbook is also very lovely. 

March 14, 2011

I wanted to post something...

I just saved an input I really wanted to post. But on a second thought I just saved it. 

These are not the time for arguing. 

I just feel so empty and grey. 

March 13, 2011

if there is someone up there...

I have never been a believer of some kind.

But when nature is showing it's cruel side to humanity, you being to wonder who is at fault. 
And why this kind of punishment is bestowed upon you.

I really begin to understand why so many people turn to God during hard times like this. Because when you are all alone, you suddenly begin to wish for some kind of higher or upper power. 

A plea. A wish for help. An end for the unfairness. 

I don't know who I should turn to. All these news are so depressing. 

People, friends, family in Japan, stay strong! 

March 12, 2011

for you

My whole heart aches for the people in Japan. 
May you all find light again in the midst of the darkness. '

I am so thankful that my family and friends are safe. 

March 8, 2011

How do I want my coffee?

Black, always black.
Never milk or sugar.

In my opinion it ruins the taste of coffee. I rather have it black and served with sweets :) 

I have gotten even worst lately, the coffeemachine at my work serves the most delicious Italian strong coffee. 
I begin everyday with a cup of it. Mmm...

I think that I'm addicted...because a couple of days ago when I had "normal" coffee, it tasted weird...

a special day

Monroe - Kelly bag

Cognac or Beige?

White by Vera Wang

I want every single piece! 
So dreamy and beautiful...too bad it's only available in stores in the US...maybe a trip soon? :)

March 6, 2011

Rie Sinclair - No Way Out

I first heard it from the sappy TV series Vampire Diaries.
Rie Sinclair's No Way Out.

I like her voice and the melody. 

March 4, 2011


I really thought that I wouldn't hear her beautiful voice anymore, thank you for coming back!

Nakashima Mika


March 3, 2011

sweet paradise

I ordered two books today from Bokus. 
One is a cupcake & muffin cookbook by famous Hummingbird Bakery in London, and the other one is actually a cookbook for macarons. It's written by Hisako Ogita, which promises simple recipes for beginners. Perfect for a macaron-rookie like myself.

I can't wait until these arrive! I'm quite sure that the pictures in these two will be very beautiful and mouthwatering...  

Thinner. Lighter. Faster.

iPad 2 is coming out this month.

I am surprisingly having a huge craving for it...

SPEAR Nude Contrast heels

I am a little weak for everything that has a Chanel:ish two tone style...
These beauties are from TOPSHOP, love!

March 2, 2011

just for your information...

Well my sweet friends, you know what I'm going to spend my money on tomorrow...
ZARA is finally launching an online shop in Sweden!! *bliss*

I am so worth a pair of new shoes...

March 1, 2011

a happy ending

My latest project ShinNori is opening the day after tomorrow, on the 3rd March to be more precise.
It has been a great project and on the 22th March I'm also going to be toast madame during their official opening ceremony. So excited!

Today we also launched the new homepage featuring the new menu and some pictures taken by me.
Check it out here:

Just imagining all the guests enjoying their tea/coffee in the new cups or eating with the new forks and knives, almost gives me goosebumps. 
I'm feel so damn proud. 

I will be visiting them during the weekend, do you want to join me? :)


I always tend to be very black in terms of swimsuit/bikini choices. But this year I really want something colorful. The ruffle red or inka purple? hmm...

Oh right, I'm cutting down on twitter, facebook and skype. Need more time for myself and gather energy. I'll be back soon again when I'm all powered up :)