January 10, 2011

This Week


Lovely week, not for my throat because it has began hurting (a cold?), I know exactly who it is from...*sigh*
Anyway, my morning has consisted of a lot of phonecalls, breakfast has yet reached my stomach and it's almost lunchtime. And no, this is not a st*pid diet. I just haven't got the time yet. Trust me, I'm the girl that eats at least 5times a day.

So what is happening this week?
I can reveal that I am signing a contract for a new work! Hopefully by tomorrow or Wednesday *yay* I cannot really tell you which company yet, but I will tell you all soon!

My last phone call to Macarong (above, they have divine Macarons) also went well, they are interested in collaborating with my recent project, which you can see here. The Facebook-page is not 100% done yet, but it should be in the end of this month. We are getting near and soon ready for opening, which is great news and fun since I've been doing this since last September-month. We only have some final touches left, which is also the fun part: interior design and decoration. 

So I have a couple of meetings left, some awaiting phone calls and hopefully (and a bit sad, because the part as a buyer is really fun and exciting), this will be my last week of flexible work time *laughs* But I cannot wait until beginning to work with some more routine.  

Oh, and I also managed to book in a date for an Oslo-weekend in March (which will be fun fun fun) and next week this year's first wine&cheese night with some friends. I can sense that this month is going to be LOVELY.

But first, breakfast.

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