February 27, 2011

my weekend

This weekend I've tried to not focus on too much work (but instead I ended up working...)
I have also discovered that the coffee at McDonald's in Sweden is delicious. Try it!

Yesterday I spent a couple of lovely hours at a friend's place. Wine, fruits, chocolate and my chocolate muffins (heartshaped!) was served. I am so happy that after a stressfull week, I could have such a lovely weekend with family and friends. More of these kinds of weekends please!

Tomorrow: Monday. A new week. New adventures. 

pumps for spring

I want to try these wooden heel pumps from Din Sko!
So lovely...love the chunky heel. 

Today I am also thinking about getting another pair of Whyred Pallenberg boots (I have a pair already in beige), these are in black. We'll see if I'll make a bid. 

February 21, 2011


Maybe I shall make a trip to IKEA soon, I want a new shelf in my room.

This one would be perfect. 

February 20, 2011

scallop & salmon

No my dear friends, I'm not talking about food (although you all know that I love to).

I'm talking about this cute blouse with scallop shapes. So darn cute! 
The salmon pink ballerinas are perfect for spring/summer. 

All items from TOPSHOP


And for those who have missed my recent project, check out the Facebook page. 
I hope that you all had lovely weekend!

February 19, 2011

it was glitter and glamour

On Tuesday I have a friend turning 26, but yesterday she held a birthday party at her place. 
She made all this lovely food (housewife-warning! *laughs*), and she was a great host. 

Happy Birthday Ines!


I love my mustard yellow muffler from Lowrys Farm and my sunnies signed Miu Miu. The weather in Sweden is still frosty, but lately the sun is beaming. 

Since it has been snowing and the weather is still rough, I did not want to use my Bayswater, so instead I've been sporting my eco tote bought from Japan. Cute isn't? It does remind me of a non-colorful version of the Banane Taipei bag I ordered. 

gold is the new silver

I am testing my new camera today, a SONY nex5 Alpha. It has functions like HD movie recording and 3D panorama features. SWEET.

My test-subject for today: my new knitted top from TOPSHOP.

The details that has been captured are amazing, and this is still with a non-macro input. 
For five years I've been a Canon-fan, but hello Sony! I am beginning to like you more and more.

February 16, 2011

see my work

Besides being a office lady for an international company right now, I'm still doing my side project for a Japanese restaurant here in Sweden. 

So I finally decided to share what I've been doing, check out this Facebook page :)

or the link below:

This project is soon going to be finished, these past weeks has been hectic, but I love it. 
Building an image, a dream for someone else to feel, it is really amazing. 
For this project I have really tried to find the core and essence and apply it on all aspects around the restaurant. Everything from the smallest cup to the invitation cards. I want to tell a story and at the same time create a dream through the pictures. 

I hope that you all will like it as much as I do, give ShinNori a visit if you are around the Linköping area. 


Lovely coral colored mobile-case from H&M, perfect for my iPhone. Also available in black (shocked that I didn't pick that?) and silver. 

Oh, and another great news, I'm finally on the Banana Taipei eco tote waitlist *happy* 

February 15, 2011

fake it until you make it?

One thing that I have always wanted is a tattoo, but at the same time, the thought of permanently branding your body with something frightens me. Because I like changing, it is like an accessory, and I don't want a permanent one. 

This company called temporary in uf is offering stylish fake ones, the two above are my favorites. 

February 14, 2011


Have a lovely Valentine's day people, don't just share love for one special person, show love to all the people around you. 

February 8, 2011

ZARA, why do you do this to me?

These lovely Celiné inspired sandals are from ZARA, made by cow leather. 

to make this input short, LOVE!
Too bad that the only Zara store I know is in Stockholm...

my W went for a very important interview today and it seems like everything went really well :)
can you believe that he is actually going to move over here this year?
I have dreamed for so long, and finally we are reaching goal. 

This year will be a very exciting year. 


Finally the Banane Taipei people has announced the new pre-order date! Which is on Tuesday *yay*

I am still pondering over which colors I want...one or two??
I guess that it'll be Sunset Orange and French Honey Caramel :)
or should I be bold and do Grass Green? I know one of my friends that would love the green one :)

February 6, 2011

H&M Conscious Collection

H&M is launching ye another organic cotton collection, this year it will be released during April-month. 
Besides being weak for items with peterpan collars, mustard yellow pieces and dresses, I have a very weak spot for scallop shaped items as well!

So when I saw these pieces in this upcoming organic collection I fell in love! 

So, so, so cute! For those graduating for high school, I would absolutely do these cute shorts and suit jacket. Damn, I wish that I wore this set during my own graduation ceremony *laughs*
But now I can imagine myself wearing this somewhere in Europe during spring/summer with a glass of red wine...mmm... or running around in Paris' streets...or maybe London?

Me and a couple of friends are planning to fly together to London in May for a weekend, it sounds fun right?
Until then, I just need to get my hands on this outfit... 

foxy collar

Yesterday me and my family went to grandma's house to celebrate CNY, lot's of delicious food and sweets, yummie yummie.

My outer look yesterday: 
Fur collar from Japan
Coat from H&M Trend 
Bag from Louis Vuitton 
Heels from H&M

Leopard Swan

my second pairs of leopard ballerinas since 2004! My old ones were used so much that they kind of broke and fell apart *laughs* 
These are a new lovely pair from H&M Divided.

February 4, 2011


Newest buy from TOPSHOP
Love the golden button details on the shoulder and I can't wait to pair it with a white shirt.