December 13, 2010


My trip to Japan is over. I got back yesterday around 6PM, sleepy as h*ll, but I insisted on McDonald's on our way home *laughs*

I've been un-packing my luggage today and trying to get use to my the Swedish keyboard with åäö again...not as simple as you may think. My mind seems to settle and adjust quite fast, which can prove quite functional and un-functional sometimes...I guess the latter now...

These pics were taken during my trip to Heirinji Zen Temple. A very beautiful and peaceful place as you can see. The leaves were so pretty! It's hard to imagine that right now when Sweden is filled with bright white snow, Japan is actually still having autumn:ish weather. 

Today it's Lucia in Sweden, are you going to celebrate?
I had a saffron bun for breakfast, really missed those :)

Ok, must continue with all the un-packing (I hate leaving my suitcase filled with stuff and unpacked).
Stay tuned for my food-love-crazy-album on Facebook later!

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